I have been busy trying to figure out how to be an accountant so I can turn in my business year-end numbers to my REAL accountant. I never paid attention in Business Accounting 201 at Miami University, and now I sort of wish I had! In any case, I bought Quickbooks, and it's amazingly smart and doesn't really need for me to know how to figure assets & liabilities/profits & losses, etc, etc!!! I LOVE it!
I needed a break from the number crunching, and I have been excited to work on editing a job I shot this past weekend, so I decided to take a timeout. I've never done this before, but I just had to show you 3 sneak peeks since they're not all finished yet. I love the colors! Isn't Grayson a DOLL? And how about her name--so adorable (they call her "Gray" for short). Angela & Marty have great taste. Ok, this is all you get for now. I'll have the whole shibang in a couple of days!!:)
her cute, little, chubby legs--and they were MOVING in this jump-a-roo thingy!! ha.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Posted by
jamie sangar
10:22 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
cali.&.vegas, baby!
Alrighty, this is a TOTAL shot in the dark, but I figured what the heck! Simon and I are excited about a trip that we have planned in March for southern california and las vegas. We will be in laguna beach for 3 nights, and las vegas for 4 nights. In vegas I will be busy at WPPI, which is a huge convention and trade show for photographers from nearly everywhere, but the cali portion of the trip is just for fun! SOOOOOOOOO...what I am getting at is that if by chance there is anyone out there (or if you know anyone in southern california), I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to take photos on the beach. Simon really doesn't like to have his picture taken all that much, and my pooch won't be with us (my two normal subjects), so I need someone to take photos of! We are arriving in laguna on March 13th, and leaving for vegas on the morning of the 16th. Email me or call me to setup a shoot!!!
Map of Laguna Beach, CA US
On a separate note, I wanted to share our long run with you today! Only 86 days until the Boston Marathon!! Yikes!
Posted by
jamie sangar
4:08 PM
Friday, January 25, 2008
Last weekend, I got to meet the cutest little kids! Between the four of them, there are only TWO birth dates! What I mean by that is I got to shoot (in the photography sense) a three year old named Kaleigh and her 3 month old triplet brothers named Tristan, Brendan and Aiden! Kaleigh was adorable. We first went up to her bedroom to take some shots, and it was decorated with all things PRINCESS. Everything was pink and purple with a castle painted on her wall:) What a perfect place to take her photos! The boys were all great too. It was funny to watch how they all interacted with each other. Let me introduce you to all of the kiddos...
Here's the beautiful Miss Kaleigh
And here are her little brothers; on the bottom is Tristan, on the left is Aiden, and on the right is Brendan.
Check out her room! How cool is her back wall??!!
Tristan looks A LOT like Kaleigh I think:) Look how aunry he looks here!!
Aiden is such a cutie...
...and looks just like his brother Brendan!
This shot makes me laugh so hard! I think this tells the story pretty well. Kaleigh clearly loves her brothers and is always trying to help mom out, but at times, it just wears her out! Can you tell by the look on her face?!
So sweet...
I could tell that Kaleigh was getting tired of me having the camera in her face, so I asked her if she had any princess clothes. That made her happy!
I just LOVE the sunlight in this shot.
Thank you SO much for having me! I hope you enjoy your slideshow!!
Posted by
jamie sangar
10:03 PM
Hi everyone! I didn't realize that this would happen when I switched over to my new website, but I found out after it was too late that all of the slideshows on this blog are gone! I will work on getting them all posted again, but it just takes a while for them to upload. Thanks for your patience!
Posted by
jamie sangar
10:00 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
As I mentioned a few posts back, I'm in the middle of training for the Boston Marathon. There's nothing like training in the dead of winter! Brrrrrr! My two training mates were out of town this weekend, so I had to find it within myself to get my butt outside in 6 degree weather (YES...I said 6 degrees)!! I started yesterday at 8am, and I must have looked so silly! I ran in two layers on my bottom half and four layers on my top half with a hood tied so tight that the only thing exposed to cold was my mouth, nose and eyes. I didn't want to get too far away from my car in case I found it too difficult to run in the cold, so I decided to do the 5k loop 4 times to equal 12 miles. Can you believe that after just one 5k loop (that equals 3.1 miles or about 21 minutes of running) my water bottle was FROZEN???!!! I wanted to be able to get a quick drink each time I passed my car, but I couldn't because my water bottle was a solid block of ice. ha! In any case, I actually ran a pretty good time--partly because I was just wanting to finish as quickly as I could so I could warm up. (Aunt Cathy, sunny Florida weather is sounding very enticing right now!!!)
Check out this cool little widget below. Have you heard of the Nike+ ("Nike Plus") that Nike and Apple developed? It is an amazing little invention. You take your iPod Nano (it only works with the Nano), and you plug a little chip into the bottom of it. Then you attached a different chip to one of your running shoes. This $30 piece of technology measures your running distance, measures your calories burned, calculates your pace, talks to you in your earphones as you run to tell you how much farther you have to go, and then sends the workout data to nikeplus.com so you have a log of ALL of your runs. So Tara and I are using our Nike+ for every run that we do for our Boston Marathon training. It is the BEST invention! Plus, it's a motivator. I don't want a BAD workout logged, so it's this silent motivator for me. (One more cool thing to tell you about it and then I will shut up. Ok, this thing remembers your personal bests. So if you happen to run your best mile, or your best 5k, or your best 10k, then Lance Armstrong comes on your earphones after you complete your run and congratulates you on your accomplishment. The first time it happened to me, for a second I thought my dreams of meeting Lance Armstrong had come true. I quickly snapped out of it, but thought, "Man...this thing ROCKS"!!! You should buy one!!!)
Posted by
jamie sangar
9:13 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
It's official! My new website is LIVE! If you have my blog bookmarked and come directly here rather than going through www.jamiesangar.com, then please check out my site! They say when a new site launches, it can take up to 72 hours for it to fully propagate (meaning that you may or may not be able to see the new site at first). If that is the case for you, click on your browser refresh button a couple of times and that may do the trick. Also, if you have emailed me this afternoon, then I have not received your email yet. Hopefully my email kicks in soon! Thanks to all of my lovely 2007 clients--all of your photos helped to populate my new website!
Posted by
jamie sangar
7:23 PM
Today is my sister's 25th birthday! I had to stop and think how old she was because I've gotten pretty forgetful these days in my old age! ha.( Jess is only 14 months younger than me). So, please help me wish Jess a happy birthday by leaving her a message in the "comments" area below! Happy Bday, Jess! (You will get your birthday gift from us this weekend--don't think that I forgot!)
Posted by
jamie sangar
9:22 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I am working hard on building a new website! It is totally going to rock your world. It will have fancy little animations and BIG pictures! I want to share a little sneak peek with you. Hopefully I'll have it done SOON!! Do you like it?!?!
Posted by
jamie sangar
12:59 AM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I got to hang with my two favorite nieces today! I thought you all might enjoy seeing how they are changing everyday! Literally, Lyza is changing ALL the TIME! I saw her two weeks ago, and today her cheeks looked chubbier and her hair stood up even more!!:) She's so cute. And then there's Claire...Claire talks ALL OF THE TIME! She has a very big vocabulary, and she repeats EVERYTHING that you say. We went outside for just a little while today because it was about 40 degrees outside.
Claire is very animated, and I called her a drama queen today...she repeated me and said "dw-ama keen?!" (so cute)! (click on the image to make it larger).
Claire loves pushing her baby in the stroller. She takes it VERY seriously. You can tell by her concentration here!
Claire was trying to get up into her Little Tikes play thingy by walking up the slide. That didn't work out for her so well:)
Then she thought it would be fun to knock on the window to get people to look at her inside.
Here's Little Lyza. Check out the HAIR!!!
Posted by
jamie sangar
9:07 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
avery andrew | newborn
Last weekend I got to meet an awesome family. The Homan's are friends with the Hummel's and Walker's. I am so glad that I got to meet them. You will be seeing a lot of this family on my blog because I'll be keeping up with Avery every three months!! Avery was born on 12.27.07, so he was only 9 days old here. He was wide awake and very alert the entire time. He kinda HAS to be though with two lively big sisters! They were full of energy and LOVE getting their pictures taken. I had a hard time limiting my favorites, so enjoy LOTS of images below...
Look at this bright-eyed little cutie. Avery is 9 days old here:)
Look at the little piggies:)
Avery is the best dressed kid in town!
Samantha is a loving big sister who takes great care of Avery. I love this shot!
What a good lookin' bunch!! From L to R: Samantha, Graci & Avery (click on the image to make it larger)
My future assistant:) Believe it or not, this is a Fisher Price kids digital camera. Amazing!
bigggggggggggg yawwwwwwwwwwwn!
I'm a sucker for little feetsies and toesies.
This one's for Andy!!
Jenny & Andy...CONGRATS on your new little bundle of joy! IT was so great hanging out with your family. I will see you guys again in April! I hope you enjoy your slideshow!!
Posted by
jamie sangar
10:58 PM