You may be wondering why in the heck I named this post "turtle man!!" Well, my brother was given that nickname when he was about 2 years old because he LOVED the ninja turtles. I mean, he was obsessed!! It's the dorkiest name, but it still makes me laugh so hard that I call him turtle man (sometimes, I crack myself up. Simon gives me a hard time about this trait of mine, but sometimes I can find something so silly to be so funny)! to the reason I am talking about the turtle man. On Saturday, I went to watch him run in an indoor track meet at Anderson University. Yes, he's a runner too! Kyle (which is his real name!!) ran the 3000 meter race and WON! We were all so proud of him! And guess who was there with me to cheer him on besides me and mom...YEP! You guessed it--my little girles, Claire and Lyza. I think you'll enjoy these:
Here are the 4 Anderson University guys that ran in the 3000 Meter run. They've got their "game faces" on (or should I say "running faces?") Kyle is in the center of the shot in orange (4th guy from left).
jogging up to the start line. (the turtle man is in orange with orange running spikes on)
In second place, JUST before he started to kick everyones' butts!
Miss Claire watching Uncle Kyle run:)
That's me holding Claire, and Mary (Kyle's girlfriend) on the right. I had JUST gotten my hair whacked off before the race. It's SHORT!
I love this one because she thought she was HOT stuff when Kyle put his number on her after the race. Also, you can barely tell here, but she's holding his hand!!
Lyza slept during the race. In this shot, she had just woken up. As you can tell, she is starting to cry, but I caught her with this pitiful little frown on:( it's a full blown cry!
...and here she's just mortified that I'm taking this picture of her because she knows I'll end up posting this on my blog! Guess she was right!:)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008!
Posted by
jamie sangar
10:40 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
macy | 9.days.old!
Oh my goodness...Macy is such a doll, and Simon & I got to meet her for the first time this weekend. Simon grew up with Jeff & Erin and have been very good friends for a long time. In fact, Jeff was in our wedding!
Macy was born on February 15th. She is bound to be spoiled being that she is the only girl in the fam, the only girl on Jeff's side, and the only girl on Erin's side!!! She's got two tough and ornery big brothers, so I'm sure they'll take good care of her:) I cannot get over how adorable she is...
I LOVE it! It's such a girlie shot with the bright pink blanket and the cute little headband!
This cracks me up. She's got attitude in this one...
Isn't she just the cutest, tiniest little thing?!
She should be a hair model! ha!
You know the baby feet shots!
I laughed out loud when I first imported the photos and saw this shot. Colin's got "ornery" written all over his face, and Macy is looking at him and saying, "get out of my shot!"
She's even cute when she cries!
I wore her out!
Jeff & Erin, congratulations! You have a beautiful little girl. I'm looking forward to her 3 month shoot! Enjoy your slideshow. (I know I've used the song before, but I love it and think that's it's so perfect for a newborn shoot. In case you're curious, it's Sarah McLaughlin "Ordinary Miracles." It was written for the Charlotte's Web film. You may have also heard it on the CVS spot that's currently airing. You can always find the artist and the name of the songs I use by hovering your cursor over the music note icon below the slideshows)!
Posted by
jamie sangar
10:36 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
landon | 3.months!
You may remember this little one! You met Landon 3 months ago with his newborn shoot! He is SUCH a great baby. Vanessa must have changed his outfit like 5 times, and Landon was totally cool with it!:) He also smiles a lot. Hopefully for Landon's 6 month shoot, we'll be outside (crossing my fingers for warm weather SOON!)
He's such a cutie!
I LOVE this one. He's being so goofy!!
Just chillin' with his pals...
little feetsies...
We shot just after Vday, so he wanted to sport his "heart breaker" bib!
So grown up...
Here's handsome big brother, Colt! Checkout his stylin' sweater:)
He was blowin' bubbles to showoff!
Thanks for having me again, Ryan & Vanessa! See you again in May! Enjoy the show...
Posted by
jamie sangar
11:41 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
It is cold and snowy here in good 'ole Indiana. Today was a 20 mile run for the Boston Marathon training, but as of yesterday, we weren't sure where we were going to do the run considering the roads were covered with snow. Last evening, I went to Eagle Creek Park, our usual training headquarters to checkout the road conditions, and luckily I had my camera! I saw a TON of deer out LOVING the snow!
We finished our run this morning! I'm a wee bit exhausted!
Posted by
jamie sangar
1:00 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
lyza | 3.months!
As if you haven't all seen enough of my two favorite nieces, I got to take more pics of them last weekend! This time though, I had a reason to be taking photos of them. These are Lyza's 3 month photos!! I love these girlies. (On any of the photos or collages below, you can click on the images to view them larger).
Doesn't this picture just make you want to pinch those chubby cheeks?!!!!
LOVE this. Look at that belly!
Still got that nicely defined "butt chin" like her Aunt Jamie!!!:)
"I can almost get my entire fist in my mouth!"
Lyza rockin' it for the camera:)
You know me...sucker for baby feet!
This one goes down in the history books. Never have I ever gotten a photo of the two of them BOTH looking at my camera. Hooray!
We don't all just wake up beautiful. Some of us have to do a little prep work first;) Simon calls these Claire's redneck photos! When I got to the house, she had just woken up, white onesie on, white socks on, crazy mullet hair...and she asked me to put on her new red shoes that Jenna gave her. Oh my!
But with a little work, you get THIS!...
One of my faves!
I had to get a shot of Claire's toesies too...
LOVE this!!
We all needed pics with Claire; mom on top, jess in the middle & me on the bottom!
Claire requested to send several shout outs to people that call her on the phone! She misses you, and says you can call her cell whenever you'd like!!!!!:)
Posted by
jamie sangar
9:37 PM