Man, after some serious storms last night, we are having some amazing weather today. And to my luck, all of my shoots today were outside on the water at Geist Reservoir. Here's a sneak peek at the session I just shot a few hours ago.
Brad & Lauren are such a hot couple...
Alright, that's all you get until later! Now I'm off to dinner and a movie with the girls. And then it's back home to finish Rob, Kristen & Ruby's photos, and Miss Meg's 9 month photos. Check back soon!
Saturday, May 31, 2008!
Posted by
jamie sangar
6:23 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
landon | 6.months!
Landon is getting to be such a big, macho man! I can't believe how much bigger he's gotten over the last three months. He just looks so grown up--especially in his big boy outfit. Vanessa had him all decked out in some awesome plaid shorts and a rockin' fisherman's hat! Checkout how cute this kid is...
Love Landon's big, dark eyes:)
The outfit rocks!
Quite possibly my favorite!
He'll be walking before long!
I thought Landon's shoes were so cool...
We were cracking up during this little series because Landon looked like he was loungin'!
Ryan and Vanessa, thank you so much! It was great to see you guys again. I will see you in August! Enjoy your show!
Posted by
jamie sangar
10:57 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Many of you know that I work at an advertising agency by day, and am a photographer by night/on the weekends/in my sleep...pretty much with the remainder of my life. I have juggled both for a long time now, and it really got tough to keep up with things. I'm talking little things like laundry, cleaning, going out with friends and family, etc.--that stuff just wasn't happening because I ran out of hours in the day to work two jobs and still have a life! Well, I am so excited and proud to say that as of Friday at 5:30pm, I will be a focusing only on photography. Since graduating from college I have had the privilege of working at the Ad Agency and learning a ton about branding and design. I have managed big accounts and have been a part of some really cool projects. Because of that experience it has helped me find my true passion of working with people like you to capture some of the most important days or events in your life. Having just said that, it leads me to the NEXT thing that I am excited new brand!
If you didn't notice, my brand has a completely new look which I just love. The lovely and incredibly talented, Penelope Dullaghan, created my new look and I couldn't be happier with it. I gave Penny a little direction at the start, and she put together an amazing look for me. The circular portion of my new mark shows a bunch of shooting stars. With any job that I shoot, my client has a very special reason for hiring me to shoot on that specific day. He or she is the "star" for the day (whether it be a birthday, an anniversary, a wedding, a pregnancy, whatever), and well, I'm "shooting" him or her. Penny is brilliant! I love the meaning behind the mark. And I told her I love color, so she chose to go with blue and green because those colors work for men and women, girls and boys. If I can brag about Penny for just a minute, you must know that she is a rockstar. She is an illustrator and has done work for Target (yeah, you know all of the cool gift cards Target has? well Penny has designed several of them), the New York Times, United Airlines, Town & Country, JPMorgan Chase, and many many more. Go checkout her work. I someday plan on decking-out a nursery with her artwork:)!! (no, that doesn't mean I'm pregnant, mom)!! I wish that my new blog was ready to share with you too, but for now you'll have to look at the new static header at the top of the page. When my new blog is built, things will move and animate. So what you see above will actually come to life! I am getting quotes tomorrow from printers for new business cards, so as soon as I get them I'll be handing them out to everyone I know. You should see what she designed...they are square! Penny couldn't have timed this out any better because I was planning on sharing the good news with you tonight about the job situation, and when I got her email today with the final artwork, I thought I'd throw a little party here on the 'ole blog by sharing all of the new stuff. Let me know what you think of the logo by leaving a comment! You better get used to commenting because my new blog will not be cool unless I hear from you in the comment section. I know you are out there because I check my website stats almost daily!
And no post would be a post without some photos. Here is a shoot that I am overdue on, so Ryan and Vanessa thanks for being so patient. Hopefully these can hold you over until tomorrow when I plan to post EVERYTHING for you. Isn't Landon the cutest thing? (you can click on the images to make them larger...just another annoying thing that this blog does. my NEW blog will have big freakin' photos).
That's all I've got tonight. More tomorrow:)
Posted by
jamie sangar
11:07 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Andrew and Alec are no strangers around here! I have been so lucky to have met this family almost a year ago, and already I've photographed them three times! It's perfect...Alicia LOVES photos, I love taking her boys photos, and Chris goes along with it:). Perfecto! I always get some many compliments when I post these two hunks' photos, but I don't think it's because of any photographic talent, I think it's because these boys are so cute. Since we had done the park scene twice, we decided to mix it up a bit and do something more urban. I knew the boys would be perfect with old buildings, old firehouses, brick walls, bright-colored buildings, etc. Without further ado, I am proud to share the Hummel's photos with you:)
SEE...I told you they were hunks!
Here's big brother, Andrew...
and little brother, Alec...
It's hard for me to pick my favorite family shot. What do you think? The bottom one maybe?!
For those of you that visit frequently, you probably notice that I don't mess around with b&w, sepia, coldtones, etc much. Even though it may sound weird, nailing a shot, getting the colors right, balancing the correct temperature and getting the right exposure is really difficult. It fact, it's a lot more difficult than making a photo b&w. I only do it when I feel it's the right kind of shot. I'm not able to put my finger on the exact reasons why I gave this shot a sepia tent, but I am in love with this!!
Love the color coordination. Alicia always has everyone dressed perfectly!
One of the first shots of the morning...
Chris was a good sport and let the boys climb on him!
Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me?! I would never be able to tell this boy NO with eyes like these!
Andrew just being silly! Like I told you in the last post with Colin; sometimes you just have to let the kids pose how they want to pose!:)
At one point, Alec was getting upset with us trying to get his attention, but big brother stepped in and made him laugh! What a helper!
Alicia & Chris, thank you so much! I hope you are as happy with the way your photos turned out as I am! Can't wait to see you guys again in the Fall. Enjoy your show!
Posted by
jamie sangar
6:23 PM