You may remember the fabulous couple that I shot (in the photography sense), April & Josh back in June. I was so excited to hear that their little munchkin arrived safe and sound just 11 days before i got to meet Meg. She is just the cutest little thing! I know, I know...all babies are cute, but meg was so pretty and so sweet. I could not believe how alert she was for only being 11 days old. She has the MOST beautiful eyes. They are big and blue (Josh, good luck keeping the boys away)!
Mark your calendars because every 3 months, you'll see Meg up here. It's going to be so much fun watching her grow. If you're interested in having me capture your child's first year, just send me an email for more details (
Alright, on to the good stuff...
Meet Meg:)
And how much do you LOVE little baby hands?!!!!!
...and tiny toes???!!!
She's just so teeny tiny in this huge chair
I absolutely LOVE meg's pad. Could it BE any cuter???
See, I told you she has the biggest, bluest eyes!:)
My FAVORITE image of the day:
Well, I LOVE this one too. Look how much you can tell they love their new bundle of joy:)
Thanks, Josh and April, for letting me capture the first stage of Meg's life. I am already looking forward to November for her 3 month shoot. Enjoy your slideshow!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
meg | 11 days
Posted by
jamie sangar
11:56 PM
55th wedding anniversaries
Yep, that's right! "Anniversaries" is plural here because there were two lovely couples celebrating their 55th wedding anniversaries together last Saturday. I got a call back in April for this event, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Goldie & Charles and Seka & Frank got married one week apart 55 years ago in Muncie, Indiana (Goldie and Seka are sisters). Unbelievable!! All four of them were so excited to celebrate this huge milestone with their families. You could just see the excitement in their eyes, and huge smiles filled their faces the entire afternoon.
The event was so thought out and so meaningful. They brought wedding photos that were 55 years old--priceless. After all of the big group photos, the two couples stated their vows in front of the entire family, rings and all! It was just the most adorable thing to see two couples so in love and so happy, and have raised such wonderful kids and grandkids.
There are so many photos, but I have pulled some of my favorites to share with you below. To view and order from the entire set of photos, click here to get to Pictage where you will simply sign-in to view everything!
Look at all of these awesome old photos!
And here is the lovely bride, Goldie 55 years ago in her $20 wedding dress!
Goldie and Jill worked really hard on these napkins. They were keepsakes that the family was able to take home with them.
How cute is this?!! The two brides in their white! (Seka on the left and Goldie on the right)
Here is the ENTIRE family:)
"I DO!!!"
Congratulations Goldie, Charles, Seka and Frank! You have so much to be proud of. I am so honored I was able to be a part of it!
Posted by
jamie sangar
8:56 PM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
claire is walking!
Here is a quick update on my niece, Claire. She is officially WALKING! Well, I guess we'll call it walking. It's a lot of wobbling back and forth, but HEY...she gets from point A to point B on her own to feet! I was also having a little fun with my new wide angle lens. It's sometimes gives some funny distortion which I think adds character to the shots. So, Cathy, Jean, G-Ma Carey, Sandy, Kathy, Marsha, Dawn (all of you out-of-towners and out-of-staters), here's your update. You had better leave a comment below!!!
Look at Claire's little hand on Jess's belly. How Precious! The "bun in the oven" is Lyza Kate!
This is my favorite series of photos. To get pics of Claire walking towards me, it took me getting the Nilla Wafers in her sight! Look at the expressions on her face! She's so excited to get a cookie:)
"This is my nose."
Claire's K9 bro, Boris (although she has nicknamed him "Bubba")'s ME in the reflection! I'm a dork trying to take Claire's picture:)
She does NOT like the grass. So when she falls, she keeps her hands up in the air. But then there's a dilemma--how does one stand herself up without touching the grass? (hence the agonizing and terrified look on her face. HA!)
Look out! She's got a flyswatter!!
I think these are absolutely hilarious! Jess had said that Claire finally put two and two together and realized what Jess would always get when stopping by the m&m machine. Now, she tries to get some out herself. Look at this face of determination! I just love her:)
Posted by
jamie sangar
12:36 PM
go colts!
As you may or may not know, simon and i are HUGE colts fans! simon has had season tickets for 11 seasons now--same seats all 11 years. Then when I came into the picture, I got a season ticket too (luckily there were two open seats next to him, so I got one and our friend Bill got the second seat). We love where we sit--upper section 5 rows up. We cannot wait to see where they place us in the new Lucas Oil Stadium. Here's the deal...they offered us the same price level of seats in Lucas Oil Stadium that we currently pay now, but the seats were nose-bleed seats. So, in order to get about the same distance from the field, we had to pay DOUBLE the amount per seat. Bummer, but I think it will totally be worth it. The stadium just looks AWESOME already, and it's not even done! I CANNOT WAIT until the opening regular season game against the Saints! The city is going to be rockin' with all of the big productions planned for the pre-game festivities. (Oh, and last night we noticed the the Superbowl banner was already hung from the ceiling of the dome, but of course it was rolled up. The crowd is going to go absolutely NUTS when they drop that banner before kickoff of the Saints game. I think I might cry because I'm just so proud of our boys!!) Click here to see our Superbowl Pics.
Last night Bill's ticket was up for grabs, so I called my little cuz, Brandon, since he's never been to a Colts game before. Ummm, I think he enjoyed himself;)!!!
Starting line-up being announced...
Alright, I made the boys pose while I held the camera out in front of us for a picture. They cooperated this first time, but I didn't like the results because I have a double chin. So, the next one below alleviated the double chin issue, but then the boys didn't smile! Oh well!
Posted by
jamie sangar
10:58 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
shazia's bridal shower
After getting home from the camping trip on Sunday, I headed over to Shazia's bridal shower (Simon's cousin). It was hosted at the lovely home of Rich and Samia Joseph (sister of the bride-to-be). You may remember John and Shazia from my August 1st blog post. They got lots and lots of great gifts to fill their new home. It was also great to see all of the family and meet some of Shazia's friends. The big day is 10.06.07, so soon after that I'll be posting lots of wedding pictures, so be looking for those!
Meet Samia (left) and Shazia (right). Samia is due in November, so we cannot wait until then. We know she's having a girl, but the name is a secret!!:)
Friends and laughter
The lovely Anita (our cousin) and the little bundle of joy, Lilly
The proud grandma, Auntie Ruth
I just LOVE this photo
I totally dig this shot. The hostess was working SO hard on Sunday
Lilly gettin' some love from Mana (our cousin)
Look closely at this shot. in the background, you can see grandma and mommy admiring the little beauty:)
My favorite shot of the day!
Posted by
jamie sangar
8:44 PM