On Sunday morning, I got the pleasure of meeting the Engelberg's who drove all the way down from Chicago! I told you that I would tell you about how I meet each famliy, so here goes. My friend, Angela Hill gave my name and website to her friends in Chicago who just had a baby, the Koetter's. I have not met the Koetter's yet, but I will be meeting them in December when I do a shoot with their baby girl, Macy up in Chicago. Shellie Koetter job share's with Megan, so that is how I got to work with the Engelberg's on Sunday!
Megan, Brent and Charlie were a lot of fun. They were all worried that Charlie was going to be so fussy since he was a little out of his routine, but as you'll see below, he was just a big ham the entire time. Megan dressed him in the cutest outfits. And my personal favorites were the naked shots with the Cubs hat. Love it!
Megan emailed me and asked if Brent's sister, Stacey and her husband Matt could join us. Of COURSE I don't mind! Plus, I found out that they are HUGE Colts fans, so we were cool from the start. I had a fun time, and you can tell that everyone involved had fun laughing and joking around with each other. Lets look at the pics...
Meet the handsome young man, Charlie!
And here is the entire Engleburg family: Brent, Megan & Charlie.
...but wait! I forgot one family member. Meet the first-born, Abby:)
I love this pic! I am a huge sports fan, so I was so excited to see that Megan packed Charlie's Cubs hat.
Look at Charlie's face. I think this shot is hilarious:)
from left to right: Matt | Stacey | Brent | Megan | Charlie
Look at this beautful & happy family. Check out Charlie cheesin' it:)
Charlie's getting all of the attention. Can you TELL this is the first baby in the family?!?!
I am so happy that Stacey, Matt & Maddy joined us for our shoot. By now you know that I'm a HUGE Colts fan, and so was this bunch. You can't tell here, but Maddy has on a pink Colts tank top!
This was MY dorky idea, but I LOVE that Stacey & Matt went along with it. They told me they wanted a shot of Maddy jumping with her Colts shirt on so they could send a card out to all of their friends and say "Maddy is ready for some Colts football--are YOU?"
This shot is over the top! Again, I take the blame for this silly idea, but we had fun and laughed after we saw what it looked like in my camera. ha!
Here are all three babies together eyeing a treat. Maddy on the left, Kermit on the right, and Abby in the back!
Thank you so much for having me shoot for you. You all were great and easy going. I hope we can do it again sometime!! Enjoy your show:)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Posted by
jamie sangar
11:12 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I have a new idea. At the beginning of every blog post from now on, I am going to tell you how I met each couple or family. What's funny about this business is that 99% of my business is word of mouth. This really is a small little world, and I kid you not...everyone on this blog is somehow related to another in some way, shape or form. So this post is about the Kropa family! Jill discovered my website when her sorority sisters, Alicia Hummel and Anne Scott, sent all of their friends the pictures that I took of her families earlier this summer. These girls haven't seen each other in years because Jill, Erik and Brandt just moved back to Indy from Atlanta. I love that my website is connecting old friends!! Ok, that's my "small world" minute!
The Kropa's were great to work with! Jill told me that Brandt's normal everyday expression is a straight face...very serious! Well, we got some GREAT smiles and funny faces out of this kid on Friday night at the IMA! They had never been to the IMA before, so I was excited to show them around. It's been a VERY familiar place to me this summer! The minute I saw Brandt, I thought to myself, "he looks like peyton manning when he was young." ( I was remembering the tv spot that ran last year with the manning boys playing football in the backyard when they were probably 4 or 5 years old). At first I didn't say anything, but Brandt's height, his "gameface," and blond hair was what took my mind there. Well, I couldn't keep it to myself any longer, and I just blurted it out. Erik was like "PEYTON MANNING???" At first I was like oh no, what did I just do? Then Erik told me that he was a New England fan!! Then I completely understood where he was coming from. I didn't give him too hard of a time though because he is actually FROM the northeast. (I'm ok with people rooting for other teams if that's where they're from! It's the people that live HERE and decide to root for the Steelers or Patriots that bug me!!) Ok, Erik--my sincere apologies, but Brandt did showcase his throwing arm, and the accuracy and strength resembled the big man!
I had a fun time with this bunch, so check out their photos below!
Meet the Kropa's: Jill, Erik, Brandt and Hans the dog:)
See...I TOLD you we got some big laughs out of this serious little guy!!
Can you tell he was having fun here?!?!
He looks so cute and grown up in this shot! Look at him with his hands in his pockets!
This is THE MOST beautiful shot I have EVER gotten straight out of my camera with no editing. Brandt loves his pooch, Hans!
I think this shot is precious. As Jill would say, this is his "Gomer face."
Jill, Erik, Brandt & Hans, thank you so much for an enjoyable Friday evening. I love the bright colors and beautiful smiles in your shots. I hope you enjoy your slideshow!
Posted by
jamie sangar
11:03 PM
On Saturday evening, I had just gotten finished shooting a wedding (those photo will be posted soon!) and I stopped by Uncle John's surprise 50th bday party. Cathy, completely surprised him! He was a good sport. Check out the party...
Here's the birthday man with all of his cute "over the hill" accessories! And there's the mastermind behind this party, Cathy!
John got a walker for his birthday. It was hilarious. It was all pimped out with front reflectors, an air freshner, and other goodies:)
And here's Aunt Sandy! One of my faithful blog followers. HI SANDY!:) Claire wanted to sit in this stoller which is ACTUALLY made for dolls. ha!
Miss Claire has a NEW DO! Check out these pigtails! Aren't they just DARLING?!?!
There were goats on the farm, and Claire cried just looking at them. ha!
...but wouldn't you cry TOO?! Just look at these crazy, psycho eyes. Freaky!
Uncle Turtle loves little Claire:)
Posted by
jamie sangar
10:01 PM