So sorry I left you guys hangin' yesterday! I told you I'd blog when we got to Cali yesterday...but I just didn't get a chance to because we had a BUSY day! Anyways, most of you know that my guilty pleasure is that I LOVE watching E! I get so wrapped up in what the celebrities are doing, who they're caught on a date with, what they're wearing, who's pregnant, where they're shopping, etc. I know it's a bad bad thing, but I admit that I am an E! junkie!!! Yesterday as Simon & I were walking to the baggage claim area at LAX, we saw some camera guys following someone. Guess who it was???!!! I used to have a huge crush on this guy when the movie "SPEED" was popular (in 1994). You guys remember that movie? Do you remember the famous line, "There's a bomb on the bus."??? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I saw, with my own two eyes and my canon 5D, KEANU REEVES!!!! I was so excited. Simon was like "get out your good camera!" I was sitting there trying to get a shot with my silly iPhone, and Simon was like, "you have your good camera on your shoulder--USE IT!!!" Duh! Well, I am not fibbing. Here's proof!!
I LOVE CALIFORNIA!! More photos to come on the Chelsea Lately Show that we got to sit in the audience for yesterday!!!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
celebrity.sighting | LAX
Posted by
jamie sangar
11:19 PM
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He is So. Hot. Still.
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. Keanu is looking good.
wow, are you a photographer??
I saw coverage of this on TMZ.. Keanu is such a class act and damn good- looking. you're so lucky!! thanks for sharing these.
Thanks Jamie. Yes I do remember Speed and all the other memorable movies he has been in. I am a fairly new fan of Keanu Reeves. OK I'll admit...a bit on the obsessed side. But Who can blame me. OMG he is looking so HOT here. Not many men can look this Yummy at almost 44! No wonder why he has such young gals swooning after him. I was beside myself to come home and see the video of this sighting of Keanu at LAX. He seemed so gracious and calm. He was so nice to his fans that he allowed to take pictures with and sign autographs.
I laughed when you said that you had to be reminded by Simon that you had a good camera. Thank Simon for me. He is a hero. Glad he was there to wake you up to the fact that you could actually take a real picture and not resort to a cell phone picture. But I fully understand how one can forget everything when you have had the great fortune to actually be in the same 10 feet of this gorgeous and amazing man. He has to be one of the most wanted men around. It is not only his looks but the way he can make a woman feel. That voice and those eyes that say so much emotion. I probably would just pass kudos girl for holding your composure and taking the pictures. But I must ask did you get the info for the release and the contact info? Just in case you have to call him for copies. Ha ha Only kidding.
It is too bad that when I mention Street Kings (his new movie) that I get this blank look on their faces and comments like..."Keanu has a movie coming out? What is it about? It is coming out in less than a month and yet nothing. I think it is such a shame because I read on a non-connect site that it was one to watch for to being Oscar worthy movie. But if no one knows about it's opening then people will say it was not a money maker at the box office. I wonder why not much has been said about it. I am doing my part to spread the word so maybe you all can as well.
It is a low-budget movie so they may not have advertising funds. He is going to Australia and Korea to promote it though. I have been to many of his Becky concerts and he is very gracious to his fans. I've had the opportunity to speak to him briefly. He is a very good guy.
Hi Berni, Thanks for getting back to me. I missed it. I am not good with computers and email stuff yet. I get so many advertisements in my "inbox" that it is hard to go through all of them to find the ones I want to read. This was one of them.
Well I think it is so KOOL that your have gotten a chance to see and speak to him. I hope someday I can do this. I have to wait till he is married I think so I won't make a fool of myself and faint. LOL! I would love to know more people like him. I mean he seems like he is a kind and fun to be around guy. He has gone through so much and seems to deal with it so well. I hope he finds someone who will love him as much as he loves her. I also hope that the photogs/paparazzi are keep at a distance from his new family by then. I want laws to change regarding how close they are able to get to big stars. I keep seeing and hearing of awful stories about it. They tipped over Salma Hayek's baby recently and if they did not catch the child seat the baby would have gotten hurt. Keanu might have to buy an island and move his family there to get some peace if this does not get better soon.
Well I am still hooked on Keanudom but it is just my way to have fun now. Love meeting and hearing from his friends and fans.
I ended up watching Street Kings 4 times in a month. *Blush* He did great. Some parts made me laugh/tense up/emotionally charged and impressed with the shooting scenes. I was not please with all the script but loved Keanu in it. I wish I could get in shape like he did for this roll and afterwards lean down again so quickly. I think that is why they did not show any scenes with Keanu with his shirt off. I so wanted him to be in that pool at the house. LOL. Wish that Chris and Keanu had more scenes together. Loved them. Common and the other bad cop did good in the film as well. Any way I will get the DVD in Aug 19. I guess it runs around $50 for the special BlueRay one. I will see. I will need to get a machine first. Ahh the choices.
I just saw the trailer to The Day The Earth Stood Still. The movie effect look great. Need to see more of Keanu to tell what I think. Cathy Bates is well cast. Love her and I think Will Smiths son is convincing as well. I am hoping that Jennifer Conolly has good chemistry with Keanu. Did not see that in Street Kings with Tom & Grace rolls.
Well take care. Visit me on myspace if you like. 4New_Keanu_Reeves_Fans
I think you need to have an account though. It is Private though and I am not taking on many new friends bacause I keep getting hacked/phished etc. It is very frustrating. If it continues I will have to shut it down.
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